Uptime Institute Case Study Features OneNeck Data Centers
When it comes to our OneNeck data centers, they are extremely secure, symmetrical, automated, responsive and awesome, but practical for all use cases. They are purpose-built and designed for mission-critical IT operations and hosting. Optimized for performance and dependability, our data centers also deliver uninterrupted uptime along with security, physical asset protection and workflow separation — backed by clear and thorough 100% SLAs.
In addition, there is no better team of professionals than the employees in place at OneNeck’s data centers.
Of course it’s easy for me to tell our customers and prospects all of this! However, the best way to illustrate our commitment is to back it with a certification and a stamp of approval from the Uptime Institute. That’s precisely what we did at our facilities in Denver, Colorado and Bend, Oregon. Our efforts — and importance of these efforts — were highlighted in a new Uptime Institute Case Study.