Increase Engagement with a Digital Transformation Strategy
It’s no longer a “drive to the store, pick up an item and pay” kind of world. Self-service phone menus, web chat, mobile apps and emerging technologies make it possible to conduct business and personal tasks however we choose. Consumers are well informed and always eager to find new ways to make their buying experience more satisfying.
The real kicker though… If a potential customer is dissatisfied with any aspect of their experience, they can just as easily go somewhere else. In today’s competitive landscape, no business can expect to survive if it can’t adapt quickly to new ways of doing business and meet growing customer expectations.
Enhance Customer Experience with Digital Transformation
Experts predict that by 2020, customer experience will take over as the key brand differentiator. Forward-looking companies view digital transformation—shifting away from traditional models toward ones that leverage new and emerging technologies—as the pathway to creating new business models that will deliver what consumers value most:
- Convenience: Customers that enjoy a simplified purchasing process are 86% more likely to purchase products and 115% more likely to recommend the brand to others.
- Responsiveness: In a recent survey, 77% of online adults in the U.S. say that the most important thing a company can do is value their time. A poor experience can lead customers to bail on a transaction or bypass that vendor in the future.
- Personalization: Almost three-quarters of consumers say that personalization is critical or very important to them; they expect sellers to anticipate their needs based on past interactions.
- Consistency across channels: Most purchasing decisions are multi-channel journeys involving some combination of phone, online, in-store and mobile interactions. Customers want a seamless experience and excellent service delivery at all touch points.
Improved Customer Experience Means Everyone’s Involved
Digitally transforming a company requires full company involvement from the CEO, to business executives and employees, to operations staff and the IT team itself. Stakeholders from the c-suite, the board and investors, will examine potential ROI (return on investment) to help guide future technology decisions. A primary way for IT to build value is by replacing limited legacy systems with more dynamic technologies that enable increased agility, greater flexibility for testing and deploying new solutions and advanced tools that drive operational efficiency.
With these elements in place, the organization is in a better position to beat the competition. Business leaders and employees will make smarter, more customer-centric decisions based on technology-enhanced tools:
- Real-time analytics tools will deliver up-to-the-minute knowledge about program effectiveness.
- Unified data storage, formats and platforms will improve the consistency and quality of data across the organization.
- A 360-degree view of customer interactions will provide deep understanding of customer needs.
Prepare for Your Journey to Improving Customer Experience
When done right, new and emerging technologies can make the difference between lagging behind and gaining a competitive edge. The successful companies of tomorrow are focusing on customer experience today—and new technologies, digital transformation executive leadership and IT all play a central role. With the right frameworks, methods and technologies, the customer will win—and so will you.
Not sure where to start in your digital transformation journey? Gain real-world insights from Clint Harder, industry veteran and OneNeck CTO, who sheds light on how to make your transformation a success.
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